
Alpaca & Muscovy

Shearing time at Clay Meadow, Kensmyth Alpaca in the Cotswolds

Shearing time is upon us again and I dread it really – moving all the hurdles around the farm and penning each group ready for shearing so that the shearers are not held up at all. Then the putting back into respective groups as each group is shorn and then praying that it is not too cold or wet for the following week.

We once sheared at the end of April and I vowed never again as we had to buy coats for all the alpaca but this year we were lucky and it stayed warm not only for the day but for the following weeks too.

Whilst the blanket of the fleece is critical from younger alpaca, the older alpaca fleece is not so critical to be kept so carefully when the alpaca is being shorn..

Car saga continues at Kensmyth Alpaca at Clay Meadow

Well regular readers will recall that my Landcruiser of the past 20 years had died, leaving me stranded and it took a while to replace her. Opting for the latest Mitsubishi Shogun Sport as her replacement, sadly of the five weeks that I had it, it spent two in the garage!

Least said soonest mended, we parted company and I rented a Honda for a short while whilst looking for a towing vehicle for the farm that I felt best suited our needs.

Well, many of the manufacturers have stopped making what I would call “farm cars” that genuinely tow, rather most would not tow the skin off a rice pudding!

I am very happy going back to an older version of the same vehicle, a 2014 Mitsubishi Shogun itself. She may not be trendy or have any mod cons to speak of but she will pass you broken down on the motorway with her diesel engine and maybe if asked nicely, tow you off!

Whilst the Shogun is no longer made at all. let alone in the UK, it is a suitable workhorse for the farms!

May Day at Kensmyth Alpaca in the Cotswolds

What better way to celebrate the first of May than a quick pub meal by the river? The Swan at Radcot has changed rather since we were there last but the views have not! Welcome May, please bring warmer weather.

Apparently there is live music on some nights but the burgers are fab

Wonderful Cotswolds from Kensmyth Alpaca

I often say it but it is true – the Cotswolds is beautiful in Spring when the leaves change, leaves appear and the grass gets that green colour that you never seem to see abroad..


okay – so topping leaves dead grass but still beautiful and the lakes in this area are amazing..

Little acorns at Kensmyth Alpaca in the Cotswolds

There is an age old saying ” do not cling to a mistake, just because you spent a long time making it” and my Palm Trees are no exception.

Grown from babies because I love the seaside, they have been transported from the last three farms but I decided it was time to go as they were so big they were back breaking to lift and huge!

Bye bye palm trees!


Few people realise that whilst easy to maintain – these babies grow into massive trees.

As children we called them “upside down pineapple trees” LOL

Happy Birthday sweet sixteen at Kensmyth Alpaca in the Cotswolds

Birthdays have never bothered me, I have been telling everyone I am nearly sixty for ten years but now I really am!

Amazing cards and pressies, thank you to you all.. just a few below but the handmade flowers crocheted from a friend who knows it is not a great idea to attract wasps into the home with real flowers are something else – big Thank You.

and the hand made card too..

difficult to show a 3D handmade card in a photo! Beautiful!
