Alpaca & Muscovy

Monthly Archives: November 2016

the laughing side of the Alpaca cria and Greyface Dartmoor at Kensmyth

well you have to see the funny side of that last blog do you not? for those of you a bit squeamish about snakes – which clearly I am not although I much prefer the genuine reptiles rather than the two legged versions – here are some Greyface Dartmoor cute sheep!


and some daringly cute Alpaca… waiting to jump on their mud bath when I turn away…

alpaca-cria-mudbath-2     alpaca-cria-mudbath


fly in the face of adversity – hold a python why ever not?

As always, apologies for being late with our blogs… I have been a bit tied up lately as you can see…


and yes, that is me and NO I have not been on holiday…

and yes, I did hold a Python and yes it did try squeezing me and yes…

I did it again many times over the years since then but

this photo always reminds me of how strong you can be in the face of adversity …

like when people mess you around when you are just so busy you just don’t know why they do

.. and which task to tackle next!


Cirencester Corn Hall – Craft season is upon us again

Regular readers know that this is the time of year that we actually take our “wares” out. No, not the livestock but the numerous products that we make from their fleeces. It is always great to catch up with regular friends and rather timely I thought… I saw a sheepskin bag!


I am always fascinated by the skills of others and these Felted shoes were breathtaking…


Kensmyth – the TRUTH about farming… no fluffy pet stories here

sometimes I read blogs and I think “why did they put that up there” and it is usually a silly fluffy blog making the reader believe that Farming is all fun and furry pets… well life in Farming is just not like that.

there are times when even the best natured and tempered livestock are fab with humans but just don’t like each other … bit like human interaction really!

To wit – with the best will in the world, Rams just do not always “get on” despite best endeavours.

if you are squeamish, please do not read on…

having carefully put the Rams in close confinement for what felt an inordinate length of time last week where they could not “ram” each other, we eventually let them out onto small grazing areas.


Close confinement no problem as you saw in previous blog and small grass areas no problem. We then let them “go out” together.

Day one was fine and after much general Ram behaviour they settled down. However, as with all things in farming, things do not always go according to plan. Last week was a bit of a Ram nightmare as close observation revealed that there was more than a bit of banter going on between the three and after a battle I waded in and separated them.


you would think butter would not melt in their mouths when I did but the three were simply not going to “get on” together despite appearances!

two-rams-hurt    black-ram-hurt

As the weather is really beyond  “fly strike” and cold (although you can always be caught unawares by a mild few days) many would have left this to heal naturally but we took no risks …

Black Ram separated and treated then sprayed with antibiotic spray

black-ram-blue   black-ram-geoff

then silver screen, looking now like a true warrior… the person he is next to is 6ft 4″ out of interest if you are wondering how big Wensleydale rams are!

MOST IMPORTANT be on site, look after your livestock, act fast and no long term damage done!

NEEDLESS to say – the integration of the black and white ewes (more off picture) went perfectly and they are already a close bonded flock…


That’s farming for you!

Time for all boys together

Growing up in a farming environment with livestock at all times, the boys understand the principles of “Ram” and how separating Tups/Rams from the Ewes is no mean feat. Better still when the boys have to be paddocked together, they understand that close confinement is necessary before that can happen…

so into the pens the Tups were led…


and after sufficient time to get used to each other in close confinement…


they got used to each other and could go back into the paddock!

unfortunately as with most things in life, it does not always have a “Happy Path” more on that tomorrow…