Alpaca & Muscovy

Monthly Archives: October 2021

Happy Birthday from the Boys at Kensmyth Alpaca, Clay Meadow

What a fantastic training day with such a fab group we had recently, one of whom had a special birthday too – so the boys put on their special banners to wish her a Very Happy Birthday from all at Kensmyth..

learning to handle Alpaca for the first time here at Kensmyth means you get to handle all ages and sizes of our amazing herd – saying “hello” is just par for the course..

and a hug is never out of the question.. but stout boots needed and a love of fresh air and walking!!


lets hear it for the boys at Kensmyth Alpaca Stud, Clay Meadow

Sometimes you have Alpaca you just know will be with you forever, not because they are a 25 year commitment (how long they live) but because they touch your lives in such a way that they can just always give you that “feel good” factor.

We are so lucky with our original stud males that they replicate over and over their gorgeous temperaments and conformation along with their fibre and the pleasure they can give to others is just pure joy to see.. you will have to wait for the next blog to see who had a very special birthday recently..



RIP Halyna Hutchins tragically lost on Film RUST from Kensmyth Alpaca

The film and and world of Cinematography mourn the tragic loss of Halyna Hutchins today due to a freak “prop gun” accident on the set of Rust.

With one of our own sons doing the very same thing, the tragic loss of this young Artist and Mother really came home to me how at risk from things “other than Covid” they are.

Livestock in Hurricane winds at Kensmyth Alpaca, Clay Meadow

well with the weather throwing hurricanes at us, large barns, tonnes of hay and CCTV were the order of the night!

Usually I show the Alpaca on the CCTV in the barns here at Kensmyth but they were super cool about the hurricane but the Draught horses were more bothered. In the end they settled down .. tipped to make 17.2hh – 17.3hh even “Fatboy Fly” as he is now nicknamed managed a kip!


Tivoli Cinemas: No Time to Die – report from Kensmyth Alpaca, Clay Meadow

Well for a number of reasons followers for many years know that in farming it is literally a Military Exercise to get to go out anywhere anytime because of the livestock welfare and weather LOL.

Add my inability to have the Covid jabs amongst other issues, it does not happen often. I think the old fashioned term “once in a Blue Moon” would just about sum it up. Holidays just do not happen!

However, having not visited a Cinema for decades and wondering how I was going to manage it in these unprecedented Covid times, I knew my Bucket list held that “visit a Cinema to watch a film” on it!

A friend mentioned Tivoli Cinemas in Cheltenham which was showing the Bond film and that it has very separated seats – result!

Finally managing to persuade Ollie to come in the end we managed it as a part family group whilst others stayed on farm with the livestock.

It was a very pleasant night out, the Car Park is a challenge if you do not like heights or tight circles coming down and the food was okay but nothing to rave about

but the Cinema itself was a very pleasant experience and for once in so long, wearing a mask of course, I did feel relatively “safe” as it was not crowded at all. Ollie also had leg room for his 6ft 6 inch height bless!


October – half way through already at Kensmyth Alpaca training, Clay Meadow

well we are half way through October already and so many things have happened this month – or not – that were planned – or not!

I had a very bad cold keeping me in and preventing some training .. remember that eyes closing feeling every time you sneeze?

and Alpaca training continued regardless with masks on.. you got this..

and I met up with some beautiful people in London who introduced me to the Mecato Metropolitano which is just a simple place to relax outside under the canopy for a drink with friends..


Bucket list at Kensmyth Alpaca, Clay Meadow – Lebanese no less

Working through a bucket list that will last far longer than I will walk this earth is a tall order in times of Covid I can tell you. However, I managed to tick off the “try Lebanese food” recently at a restaurant in Harrods in London.

Very light and refreshing – I like Aubergine and Peppers but..

you can keep the coffee thank you!