Alpaca & Muscovy

Monthly Archives: September 2021

Goodbye September 2021 how the last month has gone at Kensmyth, Clay Meadow

Well September ends today and October will bring a whole new ballgame for our farm here at Kensmyth. Acorns long fallen and removed as poisonous to the livestock.. said goodbye to some of our homegrown Alpaca as they went on their way to new homes where we wish them well and at last..

water on the ground after hot dry months.. yes really after all that watering of those darn courgettes..

Fly cannot decide what colour he wants to be still but has grown enourmously.. what a handsome chap..

Hot humid nights after an Indian Summer draws to a close and now a fuel crisis – what will October bring?

No Probllama at Tescos is it an Alpaca asks Kensmyth Alpaca Clay Meadow

well I had to laugh at these in Tesco just recently, in fact I bought a couple for my one year old granddaughter who loves bags and bright colours.. but I do wonder why the financed marketing department of Tesco get it so wrong sometimes..

This “No Probllama” is absolutely an Alpaca not a Llama and

I am not convinced by the shearing on the neck that this is not an Alpaca too.. what fun!

Free food from Nature at Kensmyth Alpaca, Clay Meadow

Nature provides for all in its own way but fresh fruit is in abundance this year at Kensmyth.. apples, plums, blackberries, hazlenuts you name it.. but what a lot of work Plums are LOL..


removing stones

making the pastry and pie before cooking ..

but then YUM the lovely eating LOL

DO NOT USE HAYNETS WITH ALPACA says Kensmyth Alpaca, Clay Meadow

PLEASE NOTE this photograph was taken off facebook, apologies to sender I could not find to acknowlege and THIS IS NOT ONE OF OURS.

However, it serves as a very poignant reminder to those starting out in alpaca farming why you DO NOT USE HAYNETS with alpaca. This one clearly nearly hung itself but equably when empty they drop down to lower levels and likewise feet can get caught up in them.


Word to the wise on foals – high haynets over haybars can work but foals can also get teeth caught in them when playing and haynets used in stables likewise can drop catching little legs.

If in doubt – put it on the floor or create your own box for the hay


Precious feed lost through careless handling at Kensmyth Clay Meadow

Well I totally understand the need for no one going into the Feed Stores now but I do object when feed is thrown into the back of my car so carelessly that I lose half a sack on the way home – into the boot that I then have to clean out!


Did I complain, no it is someones job and accidents happen but it is SO annoying and time wasting not to mention expensive!

Beautiful September at Kensmyth Alpaca Clay Meadow

How beautiful are the mornings in the mist as the dawn breaks and the light lifts in the fields with your livestock – sometimes I forget the old saying.. “you never know what you have got until you have lost it” – in these uncertain times, nature is a reminder of what we truly all have if we just look around..

well I thought he was beautiful !

Old Traditions at Kensmyth Alpaca, Clay Meadow

I had to put this up because it was so beautiful to watch (not just the chap LOL) but the art and tradition of old being carried on through the generations.

Listed houses with Thatch are always beautiful even when the thatch is old..

Happy Birthday 09 09 at Kensmyth Alpaca Clay Meadow

Well my Father would have been 90 today and it is a sad day because it was his goal to achieve that but he did get with Mum a letter from the Queen for their Wedding Anniversary which was another of his goals so not too shabby!

Never forgotten, always missed.. the song by Ellie Golding .. “How long will I love you” always springs to mind.

It was an eerie dawn this morning, so beautiful

He would have found the Hot Air Balloon nearly landing on our Barns hilarious – here’s to you Dad!



A rare day off at Kensmyth Alpaca, Clay Meadow

It is not often we have a day off, let alone together so it was a joy to have a sunny day off and take a few things off my “Bucket List”.. this time to Visit Wales again, to eat Lobster again and to visit the seaside in September and finally, to visit a Castle.. enjoy the photos, this is Laugharne in Wales..