
Alpaca & Muscovy

Wet, wet, wet at Kensmyth Alpaca, Clay Meadow January 2023

Well my wishes were not granted, following freezing cold conditions we look set for a pretty wet January 2023 already.

For those of you who think your alpaca will go into the shelters when the temperatures are wet and warm, think again – here are two muddy examples folks!

look out for wet feet in these conditions as those pads are like your feet when you stayed in the bath too long!

Happy New Year to all from Kensmyth Alpaca, Clay Meadow in the Cotswolds

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year 2023 from all at Kensmyth. Health and happiness to all for the year and hoping the weather and climate change does not create too many issues for those already having suffered over the Christmas period.

I am always being told by the family that I take the photographs and am never in them.. it is true. So here is a rare photograph of me for those of you who have forgotten what I look like LOL!

My grand daughter is much better looking!


A thank you at the end of the year to all our friends and Clients from Kensmyth

I have to say we have had a crazy busy year as usual. Mum made a fantastic Christmas cake and a whizz for a hug on Christmas Eve made everything fall into place.. thank you for the year and cake Mum.

I know it takes a while to eat but not with the 6ft 6″ hungry lads here. Who says you cannot live at home forever?

A thank you to all the ladies knitting for us this year too, all our Corporate gifts excelled as usual and orders are flooding in so I am pleased we can keep everyone happy here at Kensmyth.

A barn went up and looked good to start off with but on closer inspection.. best not go there. I do find it amazing that “professionals” seem to be able to do what they want to whomever they want and get away with it. Perhaps I am too old fashioned.

Well a house got started too and um, well, let us just say it will not be finished on time and best left there.

I hope the very best for all in 2023 and I know for us we all wish health and happiness to all.

Turkey panic over at Kensmyth, Clay Meadow Christmas 2022

will we remember the News about the Bird Flu affecting farmers next year I wonder, will we remember the queues to buy frozen turkeys in November as the News announced fresh ones would be in short supply?

Best frozen turkey we have had had, but parsnips do seem to last forever do they not?

Tescos also did a really yummy pie – pity about the roof lifting cranberries though apparently – not my thing!

Beautiful scenes at Kensmyth Alpaca, Clay Meadow in the Cotswolds

Sometimes, even when you know that flooded fields will follow and that all that back breaking water and feed carrying will cease to be replaced with livestock indoors due to needing feet kept dry, it is still beautiful.

STOP and take a moment to reflect on the beauty around you instead of who needs what present you cannot afford..


Icy temperatures continue at Kensmyth Alpaca in the Cotswolds

It never ceases to amaze me how many people think we would do Alpaca experiences in these conditions just because they have nothing better to do with their day! It is exhausting enough breaking ice, carrying water, hay, feed and mucking out for those Alpaca needing not to be out in it. Let alone the freezing hands we get!

Regular blog readers know I often do a catch up so if you look back and say “it had thawed by then” well spotted you!
