Alpaca & Muscovy


Cogges Hall has Yew Tree Farm from Downton Abbey

well our Alpaca products are sold far and wide and we were invited to attend a Christmas Fair at Cogges Hall – Cogges Manor Farm near Witney recently.

Amazing buildings and home to Yew Tree Farm from Downton Abbey, no Christmas Day Special Episode this year from that fantastic series…

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winter working sunrise to sunset

with the weather throwing thick frost and ice, hay is essential to all livestock and has to be taken out to the farthest flung corners of the farm… shorter days just mean you get to see fantastic sunsets and stars!

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the laughing side of the Alpaca cria and Greyface Dartmoor at Kensmyth

well you have to see the funny side of that last blog do you not? for those of you a bit squeamish about snakes – which clearly I am not although I much prefer the genuine reptiles rather than the two legged versions – here are some Greyface Dartmoor cute sheep!


and some daringly cute Alpaca… waiting to jump on their mud bath when I turn away…

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fly in the face of adversity – hold a python why ever not?

As always, apologies for being late with our blogs… I have been a bit tied up lately as you can see…


and yes, that is me and NO I have not been on holiday…

and yes, I did hold a Python and yes it did try squeezing me and yes…

I did it again many times over the years since then but

this photo always reminds me of how strong you can be in the face of adversity …

like when people mess you around when you are just so busy you just don’t know why they do

.. and which task to tackle next!