50 mph winds in uk – Event Marquees and Alpaca mothering instincts
I promise I will put up the blogs previously mentioned as soon as I get a minute to sort the photos. in the meantime you will recall our sturdy marquees for all events? here seen with one of my lovely old girls (in the background are the Marquees) who has just produced a super brown girl…
well with the winds yesterday we seriously thought the Marquees were going parachuting… but they have a “failsafe” mechanism of quick side removal and dropping to short levels…
so Mr Wind could blow all he liked (and he did) but he could not blow our short Marquees down!
Normal “tall service” will be resumed shortly now the weather has improved!
So where is the “mothering instincts” I hear you ask?
Well, for those of you expecting Alpaca mothers to love their cria and bring them out of the rain…
how is this for a spectacular example of why not to rely on them??!!
lucky I always coat the cria!!!!