Alpaca & Muscovy

Monthly Archives: May 2020

STOP and think where it will land STOP releasing Balloons – save livestock

some of my nearest and dearest friends and family will know that I am disgusted at the moment by the actions of some walkers and of some people who just don’t think about what they are doing and its consequences.

Its birthing season for all farmers and we are out 24/7 caring for our livestock but also having to watch out for the actions of some very irresponsible people.

This balloon along with its sentimental message was released into the air without a moments thought of where it might land – IN MY FIELD and wrapped itself in the wind around the leg of an Alpaca.

luckily I found him at 6 am and it hadn’t been for long but it could have been so much worse – strangled or swallowed.. THINK before you release balloons into the air – where do you think they might land? it could be on the windscreen of your car as you are driving along let alone in a field STOP AND THINK PLEASE

fat mammas keeping us waiting at Kensmyth, Clay Meadow

well the cria drop is late already and my eyes already need matchsticks. crossing legs and holding on is one of the key Camelid traits so I am hoping they will wait until the middle of next week now when the weather has done its down turn to cool then back up again1

meantime.. fat mommas to be just laisy daisying around..


Are we keeping sane at Kensmyth, Clay Meadow?

well I know my roots are showing through and they are grey but Prince took the rosette for his hair today:

and gorgeous Perugia is so laid back he is literally horizontal sometimes lOL

NO – he is not “cast” hes playing folks

so I have turned when I am bored waiting for the babies to start arriving to:

chocolate – yup – no wine in the birthing season folks.. but these do nicely!

May 2020 at Kensmyth, Clay Meadow – welcome new beginnings

Many things have happened this year and there is much still to come but as the world rests waiting, the wonder of the silenced cars and fresher streets and fields from lack of fuel filled road and overhead traffic is a sight to behold.

Enjoy the world you live in – there is hope, there is a future, it will be different but count your blessings..

blossom in the Orchard at Clay Meadow says it all for us.. naturally.. with hope of the fruits to come..