Stay Calm and Carry on.. brushing a Llama at Kensmyth, Clay Meadow
Sometimes Life just gets in the way and Christmas approaching is no exception. However anyone can make head or tail of the Christmas Covid Tier 5 day rules is beyond me.. the shops have gone crazy, total apathy in view of the “lessening of rules” and I simply do not know how the NHS are going to cope with the additional vaccinating to be frank.
In a crazy 2020 where we need to protect the NHS from overload – umpteen thousand vaccinations need doing on top of the escalating Covid patients and as stated previously, the complications Brexit will bring for imported stock which will inevitably include general medicines as well as the vaccinations ..
my simple answer to all this chaos is..
If all else fails : Go brush a Llama – you will feel so much better afterwards and they love it!