Birthing season ahead for Kensmyth Alpaca, Clay Meadow in the Cotswolds
I know I say this every year but you can never be “too ready” with your birthing kit. With Alpaca being able to birth 4 weeks before (premature) and up to 6 weeks after (Dysmature) their LMD (Last Mating Date) you need to be a Brownie/Girl Guide and get sorted.
Lambivac gets in short supply as lambing usually ahead of Alpaca birthing in the UK and Cria (Alpaca babies) need it at a month after birthing.. Lube gets in short supply (lubrication for when you have to “go in” to get the cria out), you name it.. you will need it. A boon in any birthing box is “Kick Start” which again gets in short supply and you will need powdered lambs colostrum in stock and, in our case, we start on the Goats Milk – full cream from Tesco a week before the four weeks before.. its called “being prepared” and it really is that simple.
some lounging ladies
and a few shorn yearlings for amusement..