Alpaca & Muscovy


Putting the boot in?

I have heard and read some hilarious things this week that have had me crying with laughter. Some people just do not realise how some things they do simply cause riots of laughter – when they are trying so hard to be serious!

Anyway, it reminded me to ask of my readers if anyone else has issues with Aigle boots?

I love these boots but they are well over £100 to buy and you can see that my last pair “went” very quickly because you can see from the toes that the boots were not very old. I am waiting to see if Aigle will refund me – their policy is to send it back for review and in the meantime you have to buy another pair!

I am afraid Wellies are an essential part of daily farming and the elevated boot protects your instep so cheap boots only give backache in the long run… your thoughts?


Birthing Alpaca – when you are needed most

I thought I should remind that Alpaca need you when birthing, full stop! This cria was born several months ago BUT for those of you who know their Alpaca – there should be 2 legs out!

so there is an interlude in the photography as I had to “go in” to assist and help her come out…

she was also premature and needed her ears pinning back for a week and 24/7 care

Halloween is nearly upon us? Nowhere near ready

Here at Kensmyth we have been sooooo busy it is crazy. We have been ooop North and down South and so much to tell you and no time to sit down and fit it all in.

I did see these in Costco the other day and it reminded me to think about Pumpkins and the like…

A man for all the Seasons at Kensmyth

Well the weather has been challenging but everything has its season and the show goes on here at Kensmyth. With the Farming rules for hedging now passed to protect wildlife earlier in the season, it was time to do some hedging… and the weather changed each time but I wont Drone on LOL


Lest we forget the lost 2,997 lives for 9 11

How can some of us forget, we cannot. Life goes on but for 2, 997 people on that day, it can never be the same.

The sun went down,

here at Kensmyth today we remember and we pray for those lives lost, as many have been since in other tragedies across the world be they Terrorist or Weather related.